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publications / workshop posters
Victor De Lima and Grace Hui Yang. 2024. Does Query Tone and Structure Impact Neural Reranking Performance? In The Second Workshop on Task Focused IR in the Era of Generative AI, September 27, 2024, Microsoft Research, Redmond, Washington.
Topics:  information retrieval, conversational agents
Aug 28, 2024. Started my Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Georgetown InfoSense lab!
Georgetown Data Science and Analytics Department. 2023. DSAN Students Stand Out at AMCIS Conference in Panama City.
publications / conference proceedings
Nakul Padalkar and Victor De Lima. 2023. Recommendation Systems with Causal Inference-based Regularization. In The 29th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 10-12, 2023, Panama City, Panama.
Topics:  neural networks, causal inference
Victor De Lima and Matt Moriarty. 2023. Community Prediction with NLP: Text Classification Algorithms Using Reddit Data.
Topics:  natural language processing, random forests, neural networks
Victor De Lima. 2023. Applying Reinforcement Learning to the Traveling Salesman Problem
Topics:  reinforcement learning
Victor De Lima. 2022. Exoplanet Classification using the NASA Exoplanet Archive Dataset
Topics:  support vector machines
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